Saturday, October 3, 2015

Diagnosis Process

Anorexia is a difficult disease to diagnose because it can be very challenging to admit that you or someone you love suffers from it.  An article called Adolescents with a diagnosisof anorexia nervosa: Parents’experience of recognition anddeciding to seek help describes the experiences of parents as they went through the diagnosis process with their child.  The article describes themes that are common to the diagnosis process.  The first theme is normalization of the illness, where the parent attributes weight changes and altered eating patterns to the normal developmental process.  Sometimes they even see these changes as good or beneficial for their child.  After normalization there is a period of ambivalence or ambiguity where the parent is beginning to realize that their child's eating and weight loss patterns are not healthy but they are not sure what to do about it and don't necessarily realize or are afraid to admit the seriousness of what their child is going through.  Next there is the decision point for seeking help.

After the individual or family decides to seek professional help there are tests done to confirm the diagnosis.  Physical exams involve checking height, weight, and vitals. Lab tests are done to check blood counts and organ function.  Other tests may be done to determine bone density and heart function.  Psychological examinations are also completed to understand the patients thoughts and feelings better especially in relation to their eating habits and beliefs about food.  Part of what makes Anorexia so dangerous is the way it is so easily normalized and can go unnoticed for a long period of time.  Much of the responsibility for diagnosis rests on the family and the family's ability to admit that there is a problem.    


Thomson, S., Marriott, M., Telford, K., Law, H., McLaughlin, J., & Sayal, K. (2014). Adolescents with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa: Parents’ experience of recognition and deciding to seek help. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry19(1), 43-57. doi:10.1177/1359104512465741

tumblr_mhtopnALve1rxcmmyo1_400.jpg [online image].  Retrieved October 2 2015 from

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